Refer a friend and earn free credit
Earn free calling credit by giving your personal link to your friends
Over the weekend we launched our new 'refer a friend' system which allows you to earn free calling credit when you refer your family, friends or other contacts to any of the following online top up services:
Call2Abroad Euro
Call2Abroad Mobile (UK)
DialAbroad Euro
How does it work?
Look out for your unique refer a friend link contained in both purchase confirmation and balance reminder emails and send that link to your family, friends and other contacts. If they sign up to any of the services listed above using your link you get £1 or €1 free calling credit.
Here's the new section that appears in our purchase confirmation and balance reminder emails (don't use this link as your email will contain your own unique link):
Refer a friend and earn free credit
Been using DialAbroad and meaning to tell your friends about it? Here's a good reason (apart from saving them money on their calls of course)...
As a thank you, we add €1 to your balance for every new customer you refer. All you need to do is give them this unique link
If they use your unique link, are new to DialAbroad and do their first top up online, then you’ll earn €1 credit
So get onto Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, add as a Google Bookmark, or just plain old email, and tell your friends about DialAbroad! You could end up making your calls for free!
Any conditions?
Just a few:
- You must be an existing customer.
- You must use the link exactly as it appears in the email from us.
- The person you are referring must be a first time customer and top up online.
- The currency of your referral credit will be the same as your account balance (PIN).
There is no limit to the amount of people you can refer and the amount of free calling credit you can earn so get emailing, tweeting, facebooking and spreading the word!
Any questions?
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
refer a friend
Posted on 2013-04-15 10:05:00