I'm travelling to the USA - which UK2Abroad SIM card do I choose?

UK2Abroad is our mobile roaming service, offering travellers a roaming SIM card to use whilst they are abroad, to save on their incoming and outgoing calls, both local and international.

Travellers to the USA have two UK2Abroad SIM cards to choose from

  1. Either purchase a US local SIM;
  2. Or purchase a Global SIM

The key difference is that our US local SIM offers a large data bundle - but is slightly more complex to use; the Global SIM does not offer a data bundle but will work globally and is simpler to manage.

The US Local SIM - good for data users

In order to use the US local SIM with data, you need to purchase a US local SIM, a data bundle and UK2Abroad credit.

The SIM has two balances, a dollar balance for SIM operations and sterling credit for the international part of calls. The SIM is shipped with 25$ credit and you need to buy sterling credit also.

To use data, we put you on the $25/month pay-as-you-go plan. This offers 250 incoming/outgoing minutes, thereafter $0.10/min; US texts are free, UK texts are $0.25. The international part of calls are charged to the sterling balance.

The SIM can also offer a daily plan, for $2/day offers unlimited inbound calls, local outbound calls and SMS (no data) - again, the international part of calls are charged to the sterling balance.

You can change plans at any time yourself from your handset


US local SIM + data: Total cost: £24.99 for SIM (inc $25 credit) + £10 min UK2Abroad credit + £19.50 credit for 1GB data bundle  = £54.49

US local SIM with no data: Total cost:£24.99 for SIM (inc $25 credit) + £10 min UK2Abroad credit = £34.99

When you pay for your SIM reply to your purchase receipt and request a micro or nano SIM if required.


On $2/day no data plan the SIM will offer unlimited inbound calls, local outbound calls and SMS
On $25/month (needed for data) the SIM will offer 250 incoming/outgoing minutes, thereafter $0.10/min; US texts are free, UK texts are $0.25
On top of this, the UK2Abroad credit is charged 10p/min to UK landlines and 18p/min to mobiles; to keep your number you are charged 10p/min to receive calls.

The Global SIM - recommended (unless you need data)

The benefit of the Global SIM is that it supports multiple countries, including the USA only has one balance, so is far simpler, roams onto multiple network providers across the USA and offers great rates - but no data bundles

Rates are: 18p/min to receive a call on your UK or US number; 18pmin to make a call to any US number or UK landline; 27p/min to a UK mobile; 19p per text message; 89p/MB data.

Any questions?

Any queries, please get in touch, and purchase a SIM and credit at www.uk2abroad.com

usa  sim cards  roaming  data 

Posted on 2013-03-27 19:16:00

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